Tuesday 9 November 2010

2010, Bicentenary year?

Hi everyone!

The Bicentenary was announced as the big celebration of the country, something that we, like Chileans, should never forget, because our nation now is two hundred years since it is independent. New monuments, public works, historic and epic movies, antique series, the music and even the people showed us how this year should be for us. However, more than remind this bicentenary about these two hundred years that we are, we’re going to remember 2010 because of other events that happened during the year: the earthquake, FIFA world cup and the trapped miners.

The earthquake was an experience that nobody will forget; the noise, the deaths, the tsunami and everything was one of the most traumatic experiences of our life. This February 27°, Chileans were sleeping on a summer night, when suddenly we felt that the floor was moving; nobody really knew what was happening but the day after, all of us realized that it was not a simple earth tremor, it was earthquake with epicenter in the south of our country, where a lot of people was affected.

FIFA World Cup was on June and so much Chileans was excited because since 1998, our Football Team didn’t qualify to a football cup. This year, it was on South Africa and some Chileans travel to there to cheer “La Roja”. The people were animated; in all places we can see Chilean flag, people with Chilean hats and “bubuzelas”, singing our National Anthem or praising our coach: Marcelo Bielsa, who become, with the team players, in new national heroes.

Trapped miners of San José Mine were one of the more commented events in national media. They were thirty three persons who were working there but a pull down trapped them and they could not communicate with nobody. Everybody was worried for them because nobody knew if they were alive. However when the rescue begun the people discover that all of them were alive. All the people were very happy and after two months they could meet again with his familiars.

Earthquake, World Cup, Miners: words that make us remember a singular year, which was not a normal bicentenary year, with celebrations and parties; it was a special year that will be remembered by the emotions, the exceptional situations and the way that the media tell us about it every day. People will not remember our 200th independence; will remember those three situations which made us cry, cheer and move.

See you!

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Rancagua, sweet home

Hi everyone!

In my life, I have lived in three different places; two in Rancagua and one in Santiago. The first place where I lived I don’t it remember so well because my family moved there when I was like 2 years and I was only a child. I remember that this house was little and the garden was ugly. I remember called it “The Ugly House” because the next place where we lived was beautiful and is the home where I have lived since then.

The new house was beautiful, it is not a mansion but is my home and I love it. We moved there a bit time before my sister born (she is actually sixteen). Now, in this house lives she, my mum, my dad, my dog :) and me.
When we moved to that house it looked different that now. The walls were different color, the curtains weren’t really beautiful and the bedrooms were bored. With the time we could redecorate it and use each bedroom for everything what we wanted. For example, like me and my sister slept in the same room, we can use another to play and had all our toys there. It was fun because we played there and even we draw and paint in the walls and my parents didn’t say anything because they liked it. However, with the time my sister and I slept in different rooms because we grow up and we must to use the “play room”. Now, my bedroom is beautiful and I love it, because it has all that I like (books, photos, my makeup, decorations, etc) and it’s very warm.

This house is really good because is near of everything; to a mall, to a two hospitals, schools and it have public transport to everywhere. The better of it is that the place where my home is, in spite of be near of all those, is a really quite place with very good neighbors.
Now, like I’m studying here, in Santiago, I’m living in an apartment with my cousin. It’s beautiful, comfortable and it has a very good location but it’s not my home and my bedroom is not MY bedroom.

In the future, if I lived alone I’d like to live in an apartment in the center of the city, because we can found a lot of interesting things there. But if I were a family I’d like to live in the country, in a very quiet place with a beautiful landscape and a lot of trees.

I think that the houses in the future will be little and bored because all the people will live in apartment where each person live his “square meter”, without neighborhood life.
See you!