Tuesday 31 August 2010


Hi everyone!!

One of my dreams ever, is travelling around the world. Must to be wonderful visit different places. I would like Europe, United States, Australia, and all Latin-American, for that, first of all I want to visit Mexico. Mexico must to be one of the most wonderful and special countries in the continent because of the all historic event happened there, of the mysterious Maya’s pyramids, of the murals, of the geography and of all the people and different cultures that coexist in this magic territory.

Mexico is a wonderful country, but I know really bit about his culture or history. I know about Mayas and all of his fantastic cities like Teotihuacan or Chichén Itzá where, in ceremonial temples, people and the priests did sacrifices for the gods like Unab Ku. Mayas (like one of the three civilization of Latin America), is recognized like the “scientific” because of his technological advances on medicine, astronomy, math and forestall agriculture. Another thing that I know about the country is of the Mexican Revolution, but only a bit. If I where there, I would visit the important colonial monuments, the murals, I would meet different people, I would go to the beautiful beaches and, of course, visit the Maya’s pyramids.

If I had the opportunity to study in Mexico, I would take it. I’d like to study about his history; since the pre-Columbian cultures to the actual situation of the country, including (obviously!) the Mexican Revolution. All of that is really interesting!

I hope, someday live in Mexico.

See you!

Tuesday 24 August 2010

A new term

Hi everyone!

I had a blog the last term, however I want to create a new one ,because a want a new beginning and I thought that the best way to do it is creating a totally and renovated new blog on English IV.
The last term was good, because it was the first on the university and I liked the career so much. I’m studying sociology and I think that is an excellent and really funny degree, my classmates are nice and I made good friends.
Although I had to read a lot, I think that I learned a lot, especially on History because we had to read like one hundred pages per week, which was really tired for me, but it was one of funniest subjects of all. I had Sociology like a subject too, which was interesting because we could learn about three fathers of the discipline and his perspectives and opinions about the area. Their names are Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Karl Marx and they are excellent.
One of the most important challenges to second term is not to take exams at the end of the year because I want a bit longer vacations. I hope that term could be better that last for everybody.
