Tuesday 28 September 2010

Finding Neverland

Hi everyone!

I love go to cinema, however I don’t go frequently, the most of the time I watch movies in my house with my family or friends. The last time, I went with my friends and my sister to a cinema in Rancagua and we watched Toy Story 3, it’s was funny and we laugh a lot. When I watched movies in my house I usually rent or download movies from internet, because I don’t like to buy movie unless I like it really much.

My favorite movie is called “Finding Neverland” and it’s about Jamie Barrie, a famous play’s writer who since a time hasn’t written any good play, however, one day he met a little family constituted by the mum, called Sylvia Llewelyn Davies and her sons Peter, Jack, George and Michael. In the beauty of the innocence of those children the playwright found an attractive topic to write in his play. In spite of, nobody believes in that, but he achieved to open one of the most remembered plays ever: “Peter Pan”, which with symbolism and metaphors tell the story of the life since a different perspective. When I watch the movie, I was very moved because you can realize the beauty of the childhood and the importance of live each moment from your life. I have seen the film like only three times because I think that if you watch it more, it lost the emotion.

The weak points of that movie are that if you don’t like the moved film, you don’t like “Finding Neverland”. The good points are the actors, because works Johnny Depp and Kate Winslet (who are one of the best actors, in my opinion) and the music, in fact, it won an Oscar on 2004 because it.

I love “Finding Neverland”. Totally recommended.

Tuesday 21 September 2010


Hi everyone!

I’m not from Santiago. I from Rancagua and I came here when I graduated from high school. Although Rancagua isn’t the most beautiful city of Chile (in fact, it’s really ugly), I like it because is a quiet place. I don’t like the fact that Santiago was the center of Chile, because, for example, in the news only speaks about the things that happen in the capital and the rest of the cities of the country don’t exist. Is really unfair because the people who live in another region, must to know the news from a place that is very far from their home. Well…I think that I forget the real topic of that post.

In the spite of that I wrote, I like Santiago because it has EVERYTHING! You can find all that you need and you can go wherever you want because there are a lot of places to visit. For example, if a tourist asks me for natural places, I would recommend him to visit the “Parque Forestal”, because it’s very beautiful, I would say San Cristobal and Santa LucĂ­a’s hill. But if they ask me by historic places I would suggest “London’s street”, which is a wonderful place where they can see and appreciate the architecture of the 30’s. I would tell about “La Chascona” which was Pablo Neruda’s house in Santiago; “La Moneda”, our government house. I would tell them about the museums which are here, for example “Museo de Arte Contemporáneo”, which take place on “Parque Forestal”, “Museo de Bellas Artes”, “Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos” and, if you like experiment and touch when you are learning I would recommend “MIM” (Museo Interactivo Mirador).

To finish, I can say that if you like historic and important places, you must visit Santiago, with all their museums and interesting monuments, but if a person ask me about a place beautiful with fantastic and amazing natural world I would say “DO NOT visit Santiago, visit the rest of Chile, is more beautiful”.

See you!!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

The music in my life

Hi everyone!

Music is an important part of my life. I wake up every morning and turn on the radio.

For me, music is very important. You can express what you feel, you can relax yourself listen it, and there is always a song that you can’t stop listening to. You sing it in your mind all the day and everything remain it. Also there is always a song that expresses exactly what are you thinking or what are you living.

If you ask me what kind of music I like it’s difficult to answer it. For example, I often listen to the radio, so if I hear a song that I like, I just download it. So as you can see, I can listen every kind of music. For example, today I can listen to Madonna or Lady Gaga, tomorrow I’m going to listen The Beatles or Queen, and then I can listen Victor Jara or Los Bunkers. I really love having new music in my cell phone, however, I don’t like to bought CDs to upload into it, so I only just download from internet.

In my spare time I like singing, but I don’t sing very well, in fact, I sing HORRIBLE! But I think, If you sing with your soul and express feeling, any song could be the best song of the lifeJ. For that, I love to sing karaoke, in fact, with my sister generally sing with it.

I think that the music is very important from the culture because it tells about the period which the people live, their happy, sad or romantic things that happened to them. The music tells a lot, the music says a lot.
