Wednesday 8 September 2010

The music in my life

Hi everyone!

Music is an important part of my life. I wake up every morning and turn on the radio.

For me, music is very important. You can express what you feel, you can relax yourself listen it, and there is always a song that you can’t stop listening to. You sing it in your mind all the day and everything remain it. Also there is always a song that expresses exactly what are you thinking or what are you living.

If you ask me what kind of music I like it’s difficult to answer it. For example, I often listen to the radio, so if I hear a song that I like, I just download it. So as you can see, I can listen every kind of music. For example, today I can listen to Madonna or Lady Gaga, tomorrow I’m going to listen The Beatles or Queen, and then I can listen Victor Jara or Los Bunkers. I really love having new music in my cell phone, however, I don’t like to bought CDs to upload into it, so I only just download from internet.

In my spare time I like singing, but I don’t sing very well, in fact, I sing HORRIBLE! But I think, If you sing with your soul and express feeling, any song could be the best song of the lifeJ. For that, I love to sing karaoke, in fact, with my sister generally sing with it.

I think that the music is very important from the culture because it tells about the period which the people live, their happy, sad or romantic things that happened to them. The music tells a lot, the music says a lot.



  1. You're right, what matters is to sing with your body and soul, even when you don't sing very well (but please don't sing near me, ha, ha, ha,)
    Some corrections.
    -you can relax yourself listenING TO it
    -what are you GOING THROUGH.
    -I don’t like to BUY CDs
    -I sing horribLY/ bautifuLLY/ nervousLY / etc.
    -with my sister WE generally sing ALONG with it.

  2. I remember when we listened music on my mp3! It was a nice moment!!

    Kiss :*

    Good vacations!!

  3. I sing horrible to, we could sing togheter! hehe we would make a horrible duo! :P

    See you around!

