Tuesday 21 September 2010


Hi everyone!

I’m not from Santiago. I from Rancagua and I came here when I graduated from high school. Although Rancagua isn’t the most beautiful city of Chile (in fact, it’s really ugly), I like it because is a quiet place. I don’t like the fact that Santiago was the center of Chile, because, for example, in the news only speaks about the things that happen in the capital and the rest of the cities of the country don’t exist. Is really unfair because the people who live in another region, must to know the news from a place that is very far from their home. Well…I think that I forget the real topic of that post.

In the spite of that I wrote, I like Santiago because it has EVERYTHING! You can find all that you need and you can go wherever you want because there are a lot of places to visit. For example, if a tourist asks me for natural places, I would recommend him to visit the “Parque Forestal”, because it’s very beautiful, I would say San Cristobal and Santa Lucía’s hill. But if they ask me by historic places I would suggest “London’s street”, which is a wonderful place where they can see and appreciate the architecture of the 30’s. I would tell about “La Chascona” which was Pablo Neruda’s house in Santiago; “La Moneda”, our government house. I would tell them about the museums which are here, for example “Museo de Arte Contemporáneo”, which take place on “Parque Forestal”, “Museo de Bellas Artes”, “Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos” and, if you like experiment and touch when you are learning I would recommend “MIM” (Museo Interactivo Mirador).

To finish, I can say that if you like historic and important places, you must visit Santiago, with all their museums and interesting monuments, but if a person ask me about a place beautiful with fantastic and amazing natural world I would say “DO NOT visit Santiago, visit the rest of Chile, is more beautiful”.

See you!!


  1. I agree with you in that point: If you want to visit natural places you can go to Santiago... The grace of this city is the history that keep inside.

  2. Your post susprised me, because I think that the people of other regions of Chile don't like Santiago. However, Santiago has many places to visit and enjoy :)

  3. You didn't mention a very good place to go, the Ralli museum. Maybe you've never heard of it. It's in Vitacura and it's a really great museum you should visit.
